Jennifer McCann, Hannah McLaughlan and Hannah Reid were raped by the same man and said their experience of the Justice System was so awful that it would put them off reporting an offence again.
All three women waived their anonymity after Logan Doig was jailed for 9 and half years for rape and sexual assaults.
All three victims expressed that they want to reform the way victims of sex offences are treated in Court.
The accused was found guilty for 12 separate offences including five rape charges which took place in several different locations within the United Kingdom.
One of the victims Hannah McLaughlan said she feels like “there must be stricter guidelines on what defence lawyers can say to victims giving evidence because they aren’t treated like a human”. She empathised that it feels like an emotional combat between themselves and the defence lawyer.
It was noted that the victims were advised to stay out of the court for the verdict because it would “not look good” and they all advised that they would have liked to have the opportunity to read their victim impact statements in Court.
Justice Secretary Angela Constance said that the Government has completed a consultation and is committed to expanding and improving the victim statement scheme.