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High Court of Justiciary – Police ‘Entrapment’

HMA v IP [2017] HCJAC 56 A decision to sustain a plea in bar of trial based upon the 'entrapment' by the police of a Scottish teacher accused of attempting to engage in sexual activity with a child was upheld on appeal. The accused was charged at Falkirk Sheriff Court for engaging in online conversations with “other [...]

2017-08-11T10:47:43+01:0011 August 2017|

Domestic assault Mr C, Glasgow.

I was trying to console my partner one Saturday morning  and to my amazement she proceeded to attack me and phone her mother and the police alleging I assaulted her. She became hysterical, the police came and arrested me and kept me in police custody until I went to court on the Monday.  I [...]

2016-06-13T08:23:38+01:0013 June 2016|

Sleeping juror forces rape retrial in Aberdeen

A rape trial – which originally ran for several days at the beginning of May – was rerun at the High Court in Aberdeen when it emerged that a juror had fallen asleep whilst the judge was delivering his charge to the jury. When he heard about the incident, Lord [...]

2015-08-11T23:43:39+01:0011 August 2015|
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