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Appeal on the Grounds of “Unfair Trial”

HMA v Steven Jackson A man found guilty of murdering a former girlfriend who claimed that evidence given by his ex-wife was “prejudicial” and therefore his trial was “unfair” has had his appeal against conviction refused. The appellant argued that the trial judge erred in refusing a defence submission to [...]

2017-10-25T11:27:20+01:0025 October 2017|

Appeal Against “Careless Driving” Conviction and Sentence

HMA v Lesley McAllister A police officer from Aberdeen found guilty of careless driving after crashing into another vehicle while responding to an emergency call has had an appeal against conviction and sentence refused. The Sheriff Appeal Court upheld the Sheriff’s decision to convict and impose a fine stating that [...]

2017-10-23T08:37:49+01:0023 October 2017|

Appeal Against “Excessive” Sentence

Gay v HM Advocate A man who was jailed for two years after being found guilty of assault to severe injury after his victim died has failed in an appeal against his “excessive” sentence. Grant Gay’s trial was heard in the High Court in Edinburgh in March 2017 on a [...]

2017-09-22T09:02:52+01:0022 September 2017|
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