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Appeal Against Non-Harassment Order Refused

HMA V PETER DONNELLY 2018 Peter Donnelly who was given a non-harassment order after his sentence was deferred for good behaviour has had his appeal against the order dismissed. He was found guilty of a statutory breach of the peace and carrying an offensive weapon, three months prior to the [...]

2018-02-01T05:40:46+00:001 February 2018|

Appeal Against Conviction Refused

HMA v KW 2017 KW’s appeal against conviction in which counsel for the appellant made "serious allegations" against the trial judge and advocate depute has been dismissed. It has been held that such allegations stating that they carried out their roles improperly were "unfounded". KW appeared on an indictment which [...]

2018-01-26T08:10:50+00:0026 January 2018|

Admissibility of Evidence Appeal Rejected

HMA v MR SADIQ AND MR SADIQ 2017 Mr Alam Sadiq and Mr Omar Sadiq who challenged the admissibility of evidence of a car key obtained from a police search of their hotel room have had their appeal rejected. They were, as a result of this search, charged with drug [...]

2018-01-26T08:05:59+00:0026 January 2018|

Notification Requirement Quashed on Appeal

HMA v JOHN MONEAGLE 2017 A man who was found guilty of “sexting” his drumming student has had an appeal against his conviction refused but his notification requirement quashed. Mr John Moneagle, was convicted of a s38 offence of “behaving in a threatening or abusive manner likely to cause a [...]

2018-01-13T15:11:56+00:0013 January 2018|

Successful Appeal Against Level of Discounted Sentence

HMA V ANTHONY HERD 2017 Anthony Herd who pleaded guilty to assault at a trial date having previously offered to plead has successfully appealed against the sentence imposed after challenging the level of discount given by the sentencing sheriff. The Appeal Court ruled that the sheriff “misdirected” himself. The accused [...]

2017-12-18T12:44:04+00:0018 December 2017|
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