SCCRC to Review Lockerbie Bomber Conviction

The Scottish Criminal Review Commission has agreed to conduct a full review in the case of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi for his conviction in relation to the Lockerbie bombing to see if it is worthy of a fresh appeal. Megrahi died in 2012 after being released on compassionate leave [...]

2018-05-23T05:39:52+01:0023 May 2018|

Study Reveals Ways to Improve Jurors Memory

The new paper looks at ways of helping jurors memories and helping them understand evidence and the complexities of the law in a criminal trial. It has concluded that note taking, been given clear instructions and having complex words and terms explained are the most effective way. Only note taking is permitted to [...]

2018-05-21T06:06:16+01:0021 May 2018|

Man Found Guilty of "Appalling Murder"

Mr Wright was found guilty of a Paisley murder after he left his victim, Mr McClelland, bleeding to death last July. The victim was walking to his friends house to play computer games when he was stabbed in the heart twice by Mr Wright after he asked him for a [...]

2018-05-21T06:00:02+01:0021 May 2018|

Banff Man Jailed For Planning Terrorism Attacks

Connor Ward, 25, who planned terrorism attacks on Scottish mosques, has been jailed for life and he must serve at least six years. The 25 year old was previously jailed for three years in 2012 for pleading guilty to explosive charges. He had a list of targets and also had [...]

2018-05-02T05:34:51+01:002 May 2018|

Two Teenagers Arrested For Mans Death

A 17-year-old woman and a 15-year-old boy have been arrested and charged in connection with the death of a man. They are expected to appear at Hamilton Sheriff Court this week on a murder charge. An 18 year old died in Holytown this Thursday. Emergency services were called to the [...]

2018-05-01T05:42:29+01:001 May 2018|

Bank Worker Embezzles From Customers

Mr Hamid a former employee of Santander bank has admitted helping to embezzling more than £50,000 from his customers. He took security information form customers and created fake accounts with this. Mr Hamid pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to embezzling £51,706. Between June and November 2014, Hamid accessed his [...]

2018-04-28T05:59:36+01:0028 April 2018|

Glasgow Juror Jailed for 6 Years

Ms Leahly was a juror and spokesperson at a five-month long money laundering and drug trafficking trial. However, she took a bribe in which secured her almost £3,000 in payments. Lord Turnbull stated that sending a corrupt jury member to prison was the only option he had available to him. [...]

2018-04-27T04:56:24+01:0027 April 2018|

Reoffending Rates Fall Dramatically in Scotland

Offenders in Scotland are now less likely than ever to reoffend. The number of people receiving second convictions, within a year time frame, has fallen to an eighteen year low. Reconviction rates have dropped by nineteen percent since 1998. The Justice Secretary believes that this is ‘Good progress’ and stated that "These [...]

2018-04-24T05:26:45+01:0024 April 2018|
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