Donald Cameron, aged 38, was banned from Bar Box in Glasgow City Centre on the 26th of June 2022.
Mr Cameron was ejected from the nightclub before a staff member approached him outside to tell him not to return as he was barred. This escalated into an argument where the Barman punched Cameron. Cameron then chased the barman who has told him he was barred.
Cameron then bit off the barman’s ear before spitting it at him.
Cameron pled guilty to assault to severe injury and permanent disfigurement at Glasgow Sheriff Court.
In considering his decision, Sheriff Matthew Jackson KC said: “You have previous convictions and you are not a stranger to violence.”
He continued, “This was an incident of your own making and, standing the gravity, I don’t see an alternative to custody.”
In delivery his plea in mitigation, Counsel for Cameron stated, “He is shocked about what happened and feels extremely bad about it and didn’t want to cause any harm.”
He was jailed for 27 months.