Thugs attempted to set fire to a family home in Milton in the middle of the night – but were stopped in their tracks by vigilant neighbours.
The fire-starting bid took place in Westray Street at around 1am yesterday.
It is understood the thugs lined a door to the home, whose occupants included a single mother and her two children, with petrol.
Petrol was also poured along a path but before a lighter could be used to ignite the fire, neighbours shouted as those responsible – and they fled the scene.
Police in Scotland have assigned a team of officers to probe the wilful fireraising bid.
It is understood that the motive is not clear and the family are well thought of in the area.
CID attended the family home yesterday to gain clues as to why they were targeted.
A Police Scotland source also confirmed that a sergeant and four constables have been put on the case in a bid to catch those responsible.
Milton councillor Billy McAllister says he has been inundated with calls from worried residents since news of the attack broke.
The street is a desirable part of the North Glasgow area, and houses a mixture of young families and elderly residents.
He said: “Those neighbours saved that family through being a alert and playing a role to the protect that community.
“I was the victim of a patrol bomb attack years ago. It is scary and frightening.
“You can’t sleep and you are constantly frightened.”
He added: “I want the police to be more proactive to prevent this sort of thing happening,
“This area needs to be under control again because it is getting out of control.”
A Police Scotland spokesman said: “Police enquiries are ongoing after someone tried to set fire to the door of a house in Westray Street around 1am on Thursday, November 10, 2016. No fire took hold and no one was injured, however extensive police enquiries are ongoing to trace whoever is responsible.