Ethan Cruz was convicted of forcing two ex-partners into sex work. He forced them into performing webcam shows at his flat. He later forced one of the women into prostitution where she would be having sex with up to 15 men a day, whilst Cruz profited.
Cruz stated in evidence that the women had got involved on their own free will. He was convicted after trial of intentionally causing both women to participate in sexual activity without consent. He was also convicted of assaulting both the danger of life and a further two charges of threatening and abusive behaviour.
A number of court hearings had took place to consider whether an Order for Lifelong Restriction should be imposed.
It was argued on behalf of Cruz that an order should not be imposed. However, Lord Summers imposed an OLR and ordered that he serve a minimum of four years in custody.
Lord Summers stated: “I am satisfied that, in the balance of probabilities, the risk criteria has been made out. (A doctor who met with Cruz) stated the psychopathy is amongst the highest that she has encountered. I am satisfied that the risk you pose is such that it is necessary to make you subject to an OLR.”