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High Court Refuses Appeal Against Conviction For Assault 

The appellant, JH, was convicted of assaulting family members over a two year period. He has appealed this conviction, arguing that the jury had been misdirected on what is required for corroboration.  The charges concerned an assault on his partner’s son where he struck him on the head, punched him, [...]

2024-04-10T19:20:54+01:006 April 2024|

Appeal Against Remote Jury Trial Verdict Refused By High Court 

Two men, Lewis Spence and Connor Steele appealed against their conviction for attempted murder. They argued that the trial was unfair as it was conducted remotely due to Covid measures that were in place at the time. Mr Spence additionally appealed against his sentence claiming that it was unduly excessive.  [...]

2024-04-03T11:31:03+01:0025 March 2024|

Man Jailed After 16 Years for String of Sexual Offences 

John O’Flaherty has been found guilty of 7 offences against multiple girls between 1980 and 1996.  The offences occurred at various locations in Edinburgh including a storage unit and an ice cream van.  Two of the victims were young children, one aged 7 and another just a young teenager at [...]

2024-03-19T06:14:49+00:0017 March 2024|

Three Jailed Over Murder of 52 Year Old Grandfather

Maria Gardiner, Michael Anderson and James Houston appeared in Glasgow High Court charged with the murder of Brian Maley following a brutal attack that occurred on the 8th of February 2022.  The three accused attacked Maley using knives and chisels at his home address in Springburn. The court heard how [...]

2024-03-18T08:45:18+00:0010 March 2024|
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